Thursday, October 09, 2008

Daniel Learns a New Word

For my previous post as I was gathering my thoughts and trying to describe the union with Christ, the word came to me hypostatic union. So I was thinking, “It sounds nice, does it convey the right meaning.” The word has several meanings, three of which are relevant. I try when writing to find words that sound nice when read (that’s my poetic side), of course, not just sounding nice, they also have to convey the right message. Sometimes you find a word which is ideal in both accounts. The meaning of hypostasis as found in my mother’s trusty old dictionary. I would give you the edition, but since she has had it for years and it survived five children growing up it has lost its front page and anything antecedent to “Ag”. As found there Hypostasis, akin to Latin Substance, means: 1. Foundation; 2. Person; 3. The substance or essential nature of an individual. As such a Hypostatic Union would be: 1. A foundational union; 2. A Personal Union; 3. A union of our deepest essence with the deepest essence of God. Number 3 is the one I like best, though the others also contain some of the substance of the thought.

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