Eph 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Leaving the first part of these verses to those who have more experience that me, I would like to look at the thought of Christ and His Church. I find my mind often returning to the mystery of the Church. I think it is because in the last couple of years Christ has given me a much greater love for His Church. When you think of the awesomeness of the relationship between Christ and His Church it really changes your outlook on life.
My thoughts on this verse are more of a side note. I was recently thinking, “If Christ loved the Church enough to give His life for it, should not I be willing also to throw in my 2 cents worth of life for it?” I have been given a tremendous privilege by God, firstly to be in His Holy Church, secondly to have been called to be a minister in that Church. He loved this Church enough to die for it, and He allows me to share His Word in some measure in that Church to help wash it that it might be found acceptable before Him! Surely if it was worth the sacrifice of His life, it is worthy of every feeble effort of mine.
Another thought I had was, “If Christ laid down His life for His Church, should I not joyfully lay down my life for that Church?” In other words, can I not accept being misunderstood, or lay down my own rights, etc… for the sake of others in His Body. I often think of this as a burdensome duty, but it is a rare privilege, to allow an injustice, or bear with another’s fault, or in some other way lay down your life so that Christ can work in that person, so that He can one day have that Bride He awaits.
It is something to think about, the next time a fellow believer and you have difficulties, think of this, “Christ lay down His life for that one, should my life not also be laid down for him, that he may become what Christ desires and will have pleasure in for all eternity?
Lord Jesus, may You have a Church truly worthy of You on that day, and my You grant us the privilege of bringing it about by laying down our small insignificant lives as You laid down Your inestimable life. Amen.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
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