Thursday, August 12, 2010

Make me Yours, O Christ

Make me Yours, O Christ! Wholly completely
O draw me, Christ! Tenderly sweetly

Lead through dark valley of shadowy night
Yet lead forth from darkness and into the light

Break, Christ, break for I broken must be
Then make O remake what I should be

O to hear Your voice if only in rebuke
Blessed be whatever whip that drives me on toward you

My sweet Sin Offering to you I’m betrothed
To bear your name and character my Beloved

O in that day in You let me be found
Not with my own, but your righteousness girt round

Then may the capstone of this work be laid down
As cries of , “grace, grace” forever resound


Anonymous said...

Wow, Daniel, did you write this? It's beautiful and I love poetry...I didn't realize you wrote poetry too.

Thanks for sharing...gottac go back and catch up on some of your other blog posts.

Daniel Kropf said...

I write poetry infrequently. Most of it is pretty trite. This probably qualifies as somewhat so, but it expressed my feelings well so I thought I would go with it. poetry is what usually write when I feel very moved by something and it comes with a little revision. My other stuff I have to work on more and pull it out so to speak.