Friday, March 13, 2009

Relationship for Use or Use for Relationship

Recently I was doing some studying on the Life and Epistles of Peter, which I will be teaching in a few months. I was reading in Matthew 16 of how right after the most marvelous declaration of faith that Peter makes (v16), he then proceeds to argue with the Lord and to try to prevent His going to the cross (v22) in this being used by the devil.

This led me to consider a little bit about human ambition. Peter’s problem was that he had his own agenda in following Christ. This self-seeking was used by the devil to attempt to deflect Christ from the cross. I was musing on this and I came across, what I believe is the hallmark of human ambition. Human ambition, like Luciferian ambition from which it has its root, sees relationship as a means of use. Peter viewed his relationship in following Christ as a means to achieve the goals of personal advancement that he had (Thankfully he didn’t stay that way). This is the human and diabolical way of thinking. It is unfortunately very common even in Christian circles, people view their relationship with God as a means to get what they want, pastors and leaders view people as a means to achieve their aims. This is all a worldly mentality.

God’s mentality is use for relationship. The relationship is the goal and what we do for Him is the means He uses to bring about relationship. This is shown in Psalm 68:18 “You have gone up on high; You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts for men, yes, for the rebellious also, that You might dwell among them, O Jehovah God.” Notice the purpose in Christ’s receiving of gifts; it is that God might dwell among even the rebellious. This verse is quoted with some alteration in Ephesians 4:8, where it refers to Christ giving gifts – specifically the five-fold ministry gifts. When God gives gifts, especially the five-fold ministry gifts, the purpose is that as we use these gifts we will be reliant on Him and grow in relationship with Him. God does not bring us into relationship to use us, but He uses us to bring about His purposes so that He can thereby foster a relationship based on commonality of interest and experience (as we begin to know in a small measure His sufferings and joys). This is also the mentality we should have towards others; otherwise we are just like any worldly leader.

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