Thursday, October 22, 2009


One of my biggest and reccuring faults is irritability with people. So one of the things I find most amazing about God is that inspite of His knowing and seeing far more than we do, He is still able to be longsuffering and patient. A little while ago as I was irritated and trying to get over it, I thought of this Scripture.

2 Cor. 5:18-19 But all things are of God, who has made us at peace with himself through Christ, and has given to us the work of making peace; That is, that God was in Christ making peace between the world and himself, not putting their sins to their account, and having given to us the preaching of this news of peace.

It struck me how offended God had to be with our sin and how He actually had to overlook it even to do for us. He was justifiably angry yet, He chose to overlook it that He might take the cost of reconciliation upon Himself. Had He not been willing to overlook it, He would never have been able to take the sin upon Himself and we would have been stuck in our condition forever. This is a reminder to me to let things go and even be willing not only to overlook wrongs but to be willing to bear the blame in relationships so that I can be like Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this is the test of true it covers a multitude of sins. You're definitely not alone in your struggles and I believe that tests will continue to come until we are perfected in least, I keep getting tested! =)