Thursday, April 08, 2010

Bringing Forth Christ – Part 10 – Solomon

Solomon is an important link in the messianic chain. He was the son of David and in many ways in his early years he prefigured the reign of Christ. Some of the Psalms written for Solomon clearly go beyond him and point to a higher Son of David who was to come (Psalm 2; 45; and 72 for instance). The name “Solomon” means peaceful and he in his reign while he served God, God gave him peace and he was a type of the Prince of Peace.
He was renowned for his wisdom so much so that a ruler of a distant land came to see for herself of his wisdom, yet Jesus said a greater than Solomon is here, since He not only had the wisdom of God, but He was the Wisdom of God.
Solomon wrote 1005 songs, 5 of which are the book we know as the Song of Solomon. In that book the woman is known as the Shulamite, which is a feminine form of Solomon. In this he is again a type of Christ who is preparing a Bride who will be a partaker of His characteristics. Christ as the Last Adam will have a bride formed from Himself out of His side from which His blood flowed.
Unfortunately the story of Solomon’s life does not end here. Through his many marriages he was lead into apostasy and idolatry and forsook the Lord. Though it is quite possible that Solomon refound his faith before he died, yet as a result of his sin the nation was divided, and in the subsequent invasion by Egypt duing his son’s reign most of the treasures with which God had blessed him were carried away. Solomon’s life conclusively proves that talents, wisdom, abilities, wealth, fame and anything else can never satisfy apart from a relationship with God.

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