Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Better than that of Abel

Heb 12:24 "…and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel."


The blood of Jesus is much better than the blood of Abel. Abel's blood bore witness to his being a righteous man innocently slain. It testified that he was righteous and his brother, Cain, guilty. Christ's blood not only testifies to His righteousness and innocent suffering, but it also makes righteous the guilty who trust in Him.


Abel's blood made Him a martyr and Cain a murderer, but Christ's blood makes even murderers clean.


Abel's blood cried aloud to God for justice and recompense for his unjust slaying, but Christ's blood cries out for mercy even for those who were His enemies.


Abel's blood gave a testimony to his faithfulness to God, and his life still speaks. Christ's blood not only testifies to His own life, but it pleads for ours and continually washes us from our sins.


Abel's blood was a testimony to his obedience. Christ's blood was also a testimony to His obedience to the Father, but even beyond that it produces obedience in those who are sprinkled with it.


Worthy is the Lamb!

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