Monday, October 27, 2008

On the Last Week Of This Bible School Term

This term I taught two weeks back to back (2nd-3rd). I taught Joshua and on Prayer. This term has been very good, we have around 19 students which is less than our more usual 30+. However, the ones we have are very good and the atmosphere has been the best we have seen since we began.

Often before in our prayer meetings some of the students would get a little carried away when God's presence came in our prayer meetings. This has not happened this term, even though some that were more prone to this are here. It seems to be a good sign that they are learning how to respond to God's presence in a positive manner.

While I was teaching Mom was busy with our on-going food distribution things and Dad was busy supervising housing projects. Today I helped finish putting the door on one that he had been unable to complete.

Other than teaching I have been doing a fair bit of reading this month. Various writings of some Ante-Nicene Fathers, and more recently things by Tauler, Eckhart and other German and Dutch Mystics. It has been interesting. Call it the rounding of an education. These are all available at If like me you can't read them online you can download the Pdf files for a fee. I just downloaded a book by Sadhu Sundar Singh and will hopefully read it soon. Devotional literature is my favorite kind, but discipline is not my strongest virtue by any means...

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